


By utilizing advanced Air Jet Looms, both regular type and with Electronic Shedding System, Erawan Textile could produce its own exclusive fabric collections, ranging from Plain weave, Twill 2/1, 2/2, 3/1, 3/2, 4/1 to Sateen, Oxford, Dobby, Fancy and other with production capacity of 30 million yards per year.
Application ItemMarket
ShirtsTC45 186th & 208thAsia & Japan
CVC 208th with Micro PolyesterJapan
C100 80/2c & 100/1 Plain Europe
Siro Spun Yarn 120/2Japan
C100 100/2 & 50/1 DobbyEurope & Japan
WorkingTC34/2 With Carbon YarnJapan
TC34 Twill with Carbon YarnJapan
TC45/2 PlainJapan
PantsC100 CM40/2USA, Europe & Japan
C100 CM60/2USA, Europe & Japan
C100 CM60/3USA, Europe & Japan
CasualC100 CM100/2xCSY16Japan
C100 CM80/2xCSY50Japan
C100 CM70/2xCSY30Japan
High DensityC100 CM100xCM100Europe & Japan
C100 CM70/2xCM70/2Europe & Japan
Light WeightCotton Lawn CM60xCM60Japan
Cotton Lawn CM80xCM80Japan
